Tuesday, August 12, 2008
My birthaday celebration !!!!!!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
OLYMPIC 2008,Beijing

Surya Bday !!!!!!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Dipika ( My latest crush)
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Happy Friendship Day !!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008
Susham's Birthday !!!!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I argued with Surya.....
Monday, July 28, 2008
Third sem Classes started..

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Project Documentation Completed..
Friday, July 25, 2008
I Like most in a girl....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
jane tu ya jane na..........

Monday, July 21, 2008
finally my sister's wedding work completed....
i today came back to bbsr..i have been to home for "Ashatamangla". both my sister and her husband( my brother-in-law) had been to our home for the first time ever. It is a tradition of our culture that when the daughter and son-in-law visits the in-laws house for the first time, all the demands from the boys family to be sent to his home with all the home appliances. it was around 8:30 am sunday morning,they reached our home.i wasnt not home that time.when i reached home, he(brother-in law) just did pranam touching my feet.i got shocked because though he is my younger sister's husband but he is older to me and i am 3 year young to him. then we had breakfast together .he went for shopping with my eldest brother for clothes.i went to market to load all the appliances to truck. At 6:30 Pm ,they left for their home with the fully loaded truck with all the home appliances even with a needle also. i met bapuna's(my childhood friend) mom and dad and his younger bro.sudhir(one of my good friends) was also with me,he stayed there for a night and the next day we (me and sudhir) left for bbsr and reached bbsr at 2 O'clock.
i bought a fast track watch today it was worth Rs 1795. this is costliest watch ever i have . i am happy with watch but dont know for how long.
Ok bye for now.........
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Day 17
A message from my X-gf(Day 16)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
My Sister's Wedding!!!!!!!

want the marriage to happen like this in a hurry.he was not against the groom but he was against the way the marriage was going to be happened that in a hurry. but i wanted my sis to get married to a handsome guy and in atleast a higher middle class family ,though my sis looks a little fat and doesnt look that good. nothing was according to my choice.the groom's family is just middle class where his father is a headmaster of a school and the guy is working in Mumbai in Visha Retailing Ltd as an accountant incharge of salry just 10,000 rupees. i was completely against the marriage so was my sis.but none was listening to us.Actually the thing was that there was no tithi(the better astological date) for marriage for next 4 month and the groom's family wanted the marriage to happen as soon as possible anyhow.so my parents agreed on their decission as they didnt want to miss this good rista(relationship)
At about 1:30am in night ,the groom's family reached our home and met my sis and had some traditional typical question answer round.then they gave a ring to my sis getting pleased with ehr answers and then the engagement. and finally the marriage was decided to be taken place at a temple near our village 15km away from both of our village(groom's village and that of us).at about 4 o'clock they left our home and everyone in our home just got themsleves busy in arranging things for the marriage like hirirng cars,listing the things required for marriage and sarees etc etc. At about 8o'clock morning we all left for the temple with two cars,and three bikes .it was 140 km away from the paradeep.we reached there at about 2 o'clock afternoon and the groom family reached there at about 4:30 o'clock and the marriage started at the moment they arrived.everything was all set. it took almost 3 hour to get the marriage finished.At about 8 o'clock the marriage finished.i did all the traditional marriage work what a brother of the bride should do. trust me i cried a lot that day but i was trying to control myself because i wanted my sis not to cry a lot.after a long time i cried. she was the only sister of mine and i loved her so much.she was the only one who used to talk to me a lot in my family,she was telling me everything happened in family in my absence.we used to fight a lot in childhood. i will really miss her.....after sending her to her in-laws house,we returned to our home at baout 8 o'clock.we reached home at 2 o'clock.i was feeling so tired that i just fell asleep after a few minnutes laying on bed.the next day it was a busy house with the rest traditional marriage works on everyones head. the listing of things to be sent to the groom's family was going on at a high speed and discussion was also going on what will be the best and where these things should be bought from.
i also helped my family members to decide on these things. as i had work on my training project ,i had to come back to bhubaneswar.i will again visit my home very soon probably this saturday for "Ashtamangala".
Back to bbsr(day 15)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
one more boring day(day 11)
it was another boring day of my life. i wanted to do my rest project work but didnt as i have to discuss something with Ameet but he was busy in his some work . i read the marketing management book for some hour.in the evening,rakesh sir called me to send the assignments sheets again through email.i sent it but havent recieved any reply yet. hopefully he will send the reply tomorrow.
bye for now.........
Friday, July 11, 2008
scooty repaired(Day 10)
i got my scooty repaired today.it is now better in condition than before.i spent almost 1500 rupees on it to get it right.
besides that i did nothing special today........
so bye for now...
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
one night @call center ends(Day 9)
Is there anyone who doesn’t love music? Yes, I have met a few sad souls who are impervious to the magic of music and I sympathize with them. The more I listen to music, the more I love it. This affair has been going on since my school days when I was gifted with a Walkman (it was still the 20th century with the Y2K panic setting in slowly). My relationship with music has passed many stages – from Hindi old songs to new rock songs. I didn’t have any avid music listener in the family to guide me about varied musical styles, so I discovered the best (and the worst) on my own. It has been a wonderful journey and I’m still traveling on this musical path to liberation.
What is it about music? Well, it has the power to cure the worst of moods with its harmonious notes. I know, from personal experience, that on gloomy mornings when nothing seems right, the sound of music in my ears or even inside my head is sufficient to put a smile on my face. There’s a certain about music – songs or instrumentals – that makes it lovable.
An unpleasant task becomes easier to handle if you have your favorite melody in your head or under your breath. I’m not just referring to classical music but even popular ballads or rock songs. Unless it’s the kind of music that’s just noise, songs of any genre have the power to influence minds and hearts. It was Aldous Huxley who said, “After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible, is music.” So you know what to do the next time you’re groping for words to say something to someone – write or play a song that voices your thoughts!
Day 8
i called rakesh sir to ask for his email id.i sent all the assignments to his email id and told to check those assignment.
i am gonna meet Bidhu sir tomorrow to discuss about our project.
well,i did nothing else today except reading that novel.......
bye for now........
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
assignment completed(Day 7)
today i along with Ameet completed all the assignments given by Rakesh sir.i am free for today now.tomorrow we will have to go to him and show our assignment. we also have decided to meet Bidhu sir(marketing HOD) to discuss about our project.
today our new cook cooked lunch and dinner for us.lunch was too spicy and dinner was full of oil,but it was good not that good.
i didnt do anything else special today,so thats it for today
Bye frnds.........
Sunday, July 6, 2008
got a cook(Day 6)

today also nothing special happened.u must be thinking na how boring my life is !
today sury(roommate) cooked lunch for us after a long time ,he coked chiken.that was very tasty.he is really a very good cook.
thank God,we got a cook today. otherwise i used to cook almost all the time.
i had a lot of work to do today. i worked for some hour in the morning but i couldnt work at night as my roommates wanted to watch movie.when we watch movie we turn the room into fully a theatre with dolby surround sound.we watched "aamir" and "mere baap pehle aap" together.
it was fun watching together.
well,thats it for today....
bye guys
supriya hotel( Day 5)

i feel like updating my blogs whenever anything special happens in my life.because i am getting bored of writing the same things again and again on my blogs.what should i do,nothing special happens in my life.
whatever,i should write something about today.today was also a normal day like everyday,same project work,lunch,2 hour rest,gymming etc.....
For dinner ,we decided to go to SUPRIYA HOTEL. it is approximately 5km away from the place we stay.Supriya hotel is famous for its special tasty motton curry.it was saturday,the weekend,so,we wanted to taste that mutton curry after a very long time alomost 1 year. so we drove to supriya,but we were so unfortunate that there was no mutton curry and the main chef of that hotel was absent. so we had chicken curry but trust me it was very bad.i didnt like the curry at all...
we drove back to room ,drank cold drinks ,watched TV for sometime and now i am going to read the novel i had started a day before..
bye for today...............
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Day 4
hello buddies.............
today morning i did a lot of work on my project along with Ameet. i worked up to 2 pm and then went for lunch to a hotel.After lunch we worked together for more 2 hour then i took my bath at 6:30pm.dont get shocked,i usually take bath twice ,once in morning and again after excercise at evening.i didnt take bath in the morning today because i was very busy in my work.
In the evening i watched Boogie Woogie ,Dus ka Dum.i loved Aamir in the show.he is really a perfectionist.he was answering all the question taking a long time and analysing everything that comes his way.he won 1 crore rupees.his sense of humour is very good and very comic.he is really a good man.
after that i watched "jo jeeta wohi superstar",i support Abhijeet in the show.but all the rest singers are also good.besides Abhijeet,i like Rahul Vaidya.i wish one of them wins...
ok i am gonna do my rest work,bye for now
see u all tomorrow
Friday, July 4, 2008
Day 3
Today i woke up 8:30am in them morning......
i got ready to meet Mr. Rakesh Sir to discuss about our project report in detail.
he gave us some more work in return....oh God,a lot of work to do
but i didnt start the work as Ameet left me alone to work upon that assignment as he had some other work...but i felt like starting together for better work
there was a match between India and SriLanka,thank God ,India won the match and selected for final
yeah ,i mixed some rat poision with my biscuits.................
dont worry ,that wasnt for me ,it was for the rats in our house....the house we stay in is very old almost 17-18 years old,so it has got some big big rats inside
I again cooked both lunch and dinner for my roomamtes.........
yes,today i have started reading the novel"one night @ call center" by chetan bhagat,i found it interesting from the few pages i read.i loved the first book "five point someone"by him.that reminded my engineering days...so i am quite excited to read this novel .
i am gonna read this novel now,
Love u all
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Day 2
i along with Ameet went to Raj Electronics(Godrej store) to meet Rakesh sir(deputy mgr sales,Godrej),we met him at about 2Pm afternnoon actually we had to show our work to sir and discuss about project report in detail,he told us to come to his office tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock....
me and Ameet had our lunch in a hotel then came back to home..
there was a cricket match between India and Pakistan,i watched it for an hour then i slept for one hour........
at about 6:30pm i received a call from Savy(my collegemate) to give back her laptop,actually she had given me her laptop to load an antivirus software.i went to give back her laptop to her hostel and handed over to her.she thanked me and i told "mention not" in reply
then i went to Alka Market (khati place for MBA students).i met Bhabesh,Situ and Milan(our seniors) there and yes i met Abhishek also..we chat for half an hour then we came back to boys hostel.
i dont stay in hostel as i stay in mess(rented house) with some of my engineering batchmates.
i met Suresh Da(collegemate) there.we talked for one hour then i got a call from Susham(roomamte) to come back room. i came back to room,cooked dinner for us.
we watched movie(chupke chupke) on TV.i had watched it before but i love this movie so i watched it again along with my friend susham..
India lost the cricket match to Pakistan by 8 wicket
ok,thats it for today...
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
My first blog(Day 1)

this is 1st of july when i thought of starting my blog while surfing the internet.u can say i am inspired by Mr.Aamir khan.
i think this is a very good idea to share ur feelings and ur life with others.so i am gonna start it.i am really not starting it for others to read about me and comment on my blog but the truth is that i just want to write what i did on the day and what else i thought of and i can read it whenever i want.i will write my blog everyday at 11pm .
On today
i woke up at 10 o'clock in the morning,i finished my summer training work.i cooked lunch for me and my roommates. then i again slept for 2 hour and woke up at 5 o'clock and then did some training work and thought doing something different on my training work,i will discuss it with Ameet(my collegemate n projectmate) tomoroow,if he agrees ,i will do that.
sometimes i login to orkut or gtalk to check my scraps or talk to my friends......i log on to gtalk once today,shikha(my collegemate) was online but i didnt talk as i felt like nothing to talk about but i really like talking to her........
i wished Amar(college mate) on his birthday
i again cooked dinner for us........we had our dinner,my roomamtes praised my dish
i really didnt do anything special today,as i feel like i wasted my one more day.and yes i did this special thing that i started writing blogs.hopefully i will continue this as long as possible ...
Thank you