today is Surya's Bday.what a date he has born on ! we wished him at 12 o'clock in midnight when he was in office and we were at home. In college ,i told Ameet to wish him as he knows Surya very well. i told all my classmate girls also to wish him over phone. All of my classmate girls wished him.
You might be thinking of our last argument between me and surya.thank God the problem has been solved and we are OK now.we just compromised with ourselves,no need to fight over a small matter.
we gifted him a shirt and a t-shirt from wills life style which cost Rs 1200. Actually we all thinking of gifting him a watch but couldnt afford.
It was a grand party at Dawat restaurant, there were 11 people. some of his friends couldnt come because of heavy rain. Surya cut his bday cake and we had our dinner together. we ordered many items.those were more than enough. but thanks to Susham that we could finish our every item and nothing left uneaten. he spent around Rs1800. we really had a good birthday party.
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